To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

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5/5 stars

Lara Jean has loved exactly 5 boys. They just don’t know it. She’d never tell them either. Instead, she writes her feelings into letters for them and then hides them away. All is well until somehow her letters are sent, and her secrets are revealed!

I finally picked up this book and absolutely loved it. I was already excited about the representation. This book features an Asian protagonist and the movie stars an Asian, transracial adoptee (yes, I’m an Asian TRA too). 

This story was so cute and such a quick read. It didn’t feel like a YA novel to me. It was filled with complexities that I could relate to as a woman in her mid-twenties. The parts that were more high-school specific took me back to my own high school days. Throughout the book were very relatable passages about family and sisterhood that had me laughing and crying the whole time. 

I finished the book in 2 days and immediately went to buy the other 2 sequels. I’ve been seeing people rave about this series for years, and I am so glad I finally started reading.

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