Always and Forever, Lara Jean

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5/5 stars

It’s senior year… finally! Lara Jean has a lot to look forward to. A trip to New York City, prom, graduation, Beach Week, and a wedding. She has everything planned and is counting down the days until she can head to college with Peter. A shocking change of plans has Lara Jean questioning her decisions and her future. 

I am truly sad to say goodbye to Lara Jean and the Song Girls. The last of the TATBILB was quickly paced but still packed in the more complex plot lines that pulled at my heart. The characters were just as lovable and continued to develop in this book. At first, I wasn’t sure how the story could continue into a third book, but Han did a great job coming up with intriguing plots that everyone can find relevant. I’m sure I’ll be re-reading this trilogy!

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