Deceit and Other Possibilities

5/5 stars

Thank you to Counterpoint Press for sending me a copy of the 2020 resissue in exchange for an honest review.

Vanessa Hua is back! First published in 2016, Deceit and Other Possibilities is re-released with new stories. This is a powerful collection of immigrant stories that investigates identity and one’s duty to family and tradition. 

This was such a moving collection of short stories. As the name suggests, the main theme is deception. Deception comes in all forms, sometimes deceiving oneself because you’re not ready for the truth. While the stories are all independent of each other, some feature recurring characters that weave a bigger story together. 

The stories are quite diverse. Protagonists are of all ages and include immigrants from China, Japan, Korea, and Mexico. Hua also explores being LGBTQIA in a family that does not accept your sexual orientation. I was deeply immersed into the stories and was sad when each ended. Despite preferring novels, I’m extremely glad I could get snapshots of these characters’ lives and struggles. 

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