The Sun Down Motel

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5/5 stars

Fell, New York is an eerie place. Being a small town in upstate New York, no one really goes to Fell for anything other than fulfilling their morbid curiosity. That is exactly why Carly is there. 35 years earlier, her aunt, Viv, went missing while working at The Sun Down Motel. Now, Carly is there ready to solve the mystery and experience some paranormal activity along the way. 

This was the perfect combination of crime and paranormal for me. I could relate to Carly and Viv and their interest in solving mystery. I finished the book in two nights because I just couldn’t put it down. It wasn’t scary (as some paranormal/horror stories are), but was just a really well-written plot. Alternating between Viv’s and Carly’s timelines kept me intrigued and it was cool seeing Carly follow the same clues her Aunt did 35 years earlier. 

The supporting characters could have been stronger. I felt that one had a plot twist that wasn’t too necessary and more there to add another climactic twist at the end. Overall, this was a great book and perfect read for those who love mystery and a solid ghost story. I immediately bought The Broken Girls after finishing this because I need more Simone St. James on my shelf!

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