Sex and Vanity

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3.5/5 stars

To preface, going into this book I did not know this was a modern retelling of A Room with a View (E.M. Forster).

I was excited to read this because I loved the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy and I wanted another fun, summer read that offered me Asian representation. I was satisfied for the first half of the book (set in Capri), and while it remained a fun read as the story progressed, I felt like the plot was lacking in the second half. I could completely relate to Lucie as she struggles to proudly claim her identity while dealing with subtle racism by the people in her life. I enjoyed the romantic plot between Lucie and George, but it fizzled out for me once they returned to New York. 

Overall, it was a good read for summer when you can imagine enjoying Capri, Italy or the East Hamptons, but I was hoping for a bit more depth, especially after how much I loved CRA.

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