Float Plan | A Complex Story about Loss and Love

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

4/5 stars

TW: Suicide, Mental Health 

This was pretty deep and complex for a contemporary romance. A major theme was mental health and suicide which was shown as Anna processes her grief and begins to figure out what to do next with her life. I appreciated her struggle to be independent and begin living for herself again. There was a lot of tension leading up to her and Keane’s relationship, but once it started the plot remained focused on Anna’s journey toward independence. A welcomed theme, but a bit unexpected for a romance novel. 

Anna has been overcome with grief since losing her fiance. They were supposed to go on a sailing trip together, so she decides to complete their voyage alone. When she realizes she needs help, she hires Keane, a professor sailor. As the two navigate their unpredictable lives, they also discover it’s never too late to start anew. 

Overall, I found the book to be really enjoyable. I loved traveling through the tropics with Anna and even learned a bit about sailing as I read. This was a great book about loss, love, and finding oneself. 

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