The Atlanta Attacks | BIPOC Are Tired

I won’t sit here and list the examples of when I experienced racism, misogyny, was fetishized and marginalized. No one should need to list their traumas for the world to believe them. 

The Atlanta attacks are one more tragic example of white supremacy. Today, I stand with the AAPI community as we fight back.  BIPOC are tired. We don’t need another article about how BIPOC can be allies to each other. We’ve been doing the work. We’ve been uniting. 

To those who have the privilege of being silent, it’s time to step it up. Not just today when everyone is on social media posting about Atlanta. Not just back in June, when folks were posting black squares and going back to their normal lives. BIPOC are tired. 

Note: BLM resources can be found under my #BLM story highlight on Instagram (@lillyfei and @adopteelilly). As I find more AAPI resources I will be compiling them at this blog post.

Relevant Video:


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