The Wedding Party

Jasmine Guillory’s third book. It was an absolute joy to read. I love how her books subtly intertwine characters from previous stories.

I found it to be an easy read. I could pick it up and put it down at any moment. Because I have the ebook, I found myself reading it whenever I had a few minutes to spare or during my lunch breaks.

If I had the time, I could easily have finished it in one sitting. It is a perfect summer read, however I could see how the general plot may seem repetitive if you’ve read her previous books shortly prior to this. I had read her previous works several books ago, and was still reminded of the general will they/won’t they be together story.

Even still, I really enjoyed the book. It is even more special because it is written by a woman of color about people of color. I can finally relate to characters in a beach read!

Her next book, Royal Holiday, is released in October, and I can’t wait!

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