The Silent Patient

Bravo, Alex Michaelides!

I borrowed this book from a friend. It was funny because we had gone to a bookstore together, and I teased them about their book choices. Then, I joined the bookstagram community and saw everyone talking about it. I figured I’d give it a try.

I read the entire book in one sitting. Yes. One sitting. I could not put it down.

I found myself relating to the psychotherapist, Theo, and rooting for him. The silent patient, Alicia, was frustrating. I wanted her to speak so badly. Which was exactly the point. Michaelides did a perfect job setting up the story where you learned just enough about her perspective that when you reached her silence it was almost infuriating!

There was no parts I found boring or struggling to get through. The book was well-written and easy to read. I put myself in Theo’s shoes and felt as connected to healing Alicia as he did. You are introduced to many characters, all of whom you are slightly (or not-so-slighty) suspicious of.

The plot twists! Oh my gosh the plot twists. I literally shouted, “WHAT??” as I read. Luckily, I was the only one home and didn’t bother anyone.

This book will keep you on your toes. It is truly the best psychological thriller I have read in a very long time. I cannot stop thinking about it. And, I plan to read it again. Maybe in a few months. But I want to find clues and details I missed the first time that could point to the conclusion.

I recommend this book to everyone. It was so enjoyable, and I am seriously impressed this was Michaelides’ first novel. I am praying he writes more!

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