Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine

Image Credit: LFSMusings

5/5 stars

From page 1, I knew I’d like this book, and it’s all to do with Eleanor. She may be odd to some, but she is unapologetically herself, and I love her for it. Some parts made me uncomfortable, which was entirely the point. I sympathized with her the entire time as she discovered herself. It’s clear she is a little different, and she is often judged for it. Despite this, she remains true to herself. She has no issue saying exactly what is on her mind, and often contemplates why other people don’t understand her. If only I had the confidence of Eleanor Oliphant.

Her new friend, Raymond, is equally lovable in his own way and only adds to Eleanor’s greatness. He is patient and understanding. Quirky in his own way, Raymond complements Eleanor perfectly resulting in a wonderful story.

I was intrigued the entire time. Catching small glimpses of Eleanor’s past as the story went on gave insights into why she is the way she is. I had a clue about the ending, but did not guess it entirely. Either way, the story was brilliant and enjoyable. Eleanor is such a strong character that I would be able to read it knowing exactly what happens and still enjoy it. In fact, I will likely reread it and prove that point.

This novel forces you to examine other people’s stories, especially those who you may write off for being different. This is a wonderful story that examines mental health and self discovery in a funny, heartwarming way.

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