Ask Again, Yes

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5/5 stars

This book has left me speechless. I thought I would be writing my longest review yet, but I cannot wrap my mind around how incredible this story is.

What an outstanding book that fell into my lap at exactly the right time. This story is fast paced as it moved through 4 decades following 2 families uniquely bound by tragedy. This novel rocked me to my core as I witnessed the struggles of characters and how these people all influenced each other.

This novel investigates the complexities of the human experience. I was sympathetic towards all of the characters, but most strongly identified with Kate, an independent spirit who grapples with loyalty, unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. In fact, all characters struggle with those values in their own ways. 

This novel not only touched me, but forced me to examine my own life, what I value, and what I’m willing to forgive. Most importantly, it has reminded me that no matter what seems to rock my world, life goes on.

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