Watching You

5/5 stars

Be aware, this novel does touch on sensitive topics including inappropriate relationships with minors. While I don’t recall any explicit content being described, it may still be triggering to some.

This was a thrilling page turner that reminded me of Someone We Know by Shari Lapena. This follows several characters that, at first thought, only have a neighborhood in common. There are two characters who spend much of their time watching (although their observations are not always what they seem).

This switched back and forth between traditional narration and transcripts from police interrogations. The use of unreliable narrators was very well done and added to the mystery of everything.

I couldn’t put this book down. For most of the book I was trying to figure out who was the murderer and who was the victim. Once I thought it was all solved, Lisa Jewell threw in one more twist that made the entire story so much creepier. This is the third (out of sixteen) books I have read by Jewell, and I will definitely be reading the rest. She never disappoints me and writes a great thriller and quick read.

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