The Girls in the Garden

3.5/5 stars

This started really strong, but then I started losing interest. It begins with a young girl, Grace, found unconscious in a communal park. No one knows what happened to her. It then jumps back in time and follows Grace and the group of kids who live in flats surrounding the park in the days leading up to the attack. With minimal supervision and full access to these communal gardens, they are able to keep all sorts of secrets. 

What could have been a scary story got dragged out into seemingly normal days and average tweenager angst. One good thing was until only a few pages before the big reveal, I thought I had it solved and then everything changed. That’s one thing I can always count on Lisa Jewell for… that last twist. Even still, I found the ending to be underwhelming.

Overall, not one of my favorites of hers, but it was still a good mystery. It just wasn’t the page turner her other books have been for me.

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