The Other Wife

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4/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Suzi made some mistakes. Now she’s stuck in a bad situation. Things start looking up when Nora moves into the only other house nearby. Things are not as they appear and Suzi is not the only one with a secret…

I enjoyed this thriller novel. I did predict the plot twists (one very early on), but the book kept me interested for the most part. There were some slow moments that could have been shortened. I appreciated the multiple points of view and found the ending to be very satisfying. I had hoped for a bit more character development, and I think I would have liked the protagonists much more if they had shown some more growth. This was a solid domestic thriller that offered some scary, suspenseful moments and a whole lot of revenge.

Be sure to check out The Other Wife on release day: October 24, 2019!

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