Please See Us

4/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for sending me a free copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Please See Us is a thriller set in Atlantic City that follows two women and unlikely allies as they attempt to reveal mysterious events happening around the town. The women each have secrets of their own, and they must face their personal demons while working together to save missing girls. 

This was a good thriller that gave a lot of background to the characters. I really appreciated the character development. I was able to gain insight not only of our protagonists, but of the killer’s victims. I did find some parts slow and depressing instead of a quick, page-turner that I was expecting. The story really picked up in the second half as more pieces to the puzzle began to fit and I could get a clear idea of what was happening. Overall, it was a good story mystery, just not as quick-paced as I would have liked. 

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