Separation Anxiety

4/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Judy’s life is not exactly how she planned. Her marriage is failing, her teenage son doesn’t want to talk to her, and her best friend is dying. In an unexpected turn of events (finding her son’s old baby sling in the basement) she has begun wearing the family dog in a sling to cope.

This book was both comedic and heartbreaking for me. I related to it in ways I didn’t think I would and found some of the over-the-top characters to be hilarious. Some of it did feel a bit repetitive, but for the most part the book was well-paced and kept me interested.

It was a bit like Where’d You Go Bernadette and Eleanor Oliphant. I appreciated the strong, female protagonist who mostly didn’t care what people thought of her… and I related even more when she was vulnerable and admitted to feeling ashamed and embarrassed at times.

Overall, this was a cute and quirky story that made me want to carry my dog around too!

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