If Only I Could Tell You

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5/5 stars

Jess and Lily are sisters who haven’t spoken in three decades. Their mother, Audrey, doesn’t know why, but her biggest hope is that they will make amends and reunite. It would be even better if her two teenage granddaughters could meet and they could be a proper family. As Audrey does her best to bring peace to her family, a shocking secret is revealed that could bring them together or tear them apart forever.

If Only I Could Tell You is a powerful story about love, loyalty, and forgiveness. This was definitely a tear-jerker. It could be very heavy, so I wouldn’t classify it as an easy weekend read. Split into seven parts, this story traveled back and forth in time to show how a family could become so broken. While it’s not a thriller, the plot reveals were truly surprises and kept me turning the pages. I could relate to every character and appreciated how well developed they were. As I read more, characters’ motivations became more clear and understandable. Sympathizing with all, made the story complex and intriguing. This was a very thought-provoking story that will touch all readers.

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