Get a Life, Chloe Brown

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5/5 stars

Chloe Brown is chronically ill and has led a very independent (and a bit introverted) lifestyle because she’s afraid of being a burden. Things change when she has a near-death experience and decides it’s time for her to be more adventurous. Little did she know the very attractive superintendent of her building would help her check some items off her “Get A Life” list. 

I received this as my November BOTM pick and immediately moved it to the top of my to-be-read list. I’m so glad I did. Fans of Jasmine Guillory are going to love this one! This was a funny and heartwarming story that has a wonderful amount of representation. I absolutely loved the protagonist, Chloe. I found her to be super relatable and quirky. This was a quick read and the perfect contemporary romance for the weekend.

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