The Twin

3/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Children’s for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Ivy isn’t going crazy. She just can’t convince anyone of that. Ever since her mother died, things have been odd. Ivy’s twin sister, Iris, comes to live with them when mysterious and sinister events start to unfold. Ivy realizes that Iris is slowly succeeded and turning everyone against Ivy. Now she must work alone to figure out the truth behind her mother’s death.

This was the first book of Preston’s that I read. Overall, it was really good. I found the first half to be a bit slow and a lot of building. Passages felt redundant as I waited for more to happen. The second half really picked up and kept me interested the whole time. I was a bit disappointed by the ambiguous ending, but I am hoping that leaves room for a sequel. This was the first YA thriller I’ve read, and it was pretty good!

Be sure to check out The Twin on March 3, 2020!

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One Comment

  1. indiefan20

    I usually really enjoy psychological mind-fuck type books, but this one sounds a little too cliché for me. We get it, identical twins are creepy! I’m usually not a fan of ambiguous endings either and I hope this book gets a sequel so you can get some closure.

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