My Favorite Half-Night Stand

3/5 stars

Millie is the sole woman in her small group of friends. When her group needs to find dates to a black tie gala, they turn to online dating. After the guys tease Millie for her impersonal profile, she makes a new one with her middle name and shares a little bit more about herself. Things get interesting when she matches with her best friend, Reid. She thought Reid would realize it was her immediately, but he doesn’t. The two share more vulnerable conversations on the dating app than Millie and Reid do in real life. As Millie’s feelings for Reid develop, Millie must figure out whether to come clean or protect Reid and keep her secret forever. 

This was a funny read. As a woman in academia and true-crime lover, I could relate to Millie. I loved the dynamic of the friend group. I found their interactions hilarious and realistic. The details about academia and working as a microbiologist were also appreciated. 

My only issue was with Millie. She has so much trouble opening up and resorts to lying and leading her best friend on. It couldn’t been better had the dishonesty not lasted for so long. I reached the point where I questioned how their relationship had not developed yet. The story could definitely had been pared down a bit. Despite her questionable choices, I liked Millie’s character development. I saw a clear change in her. I also enjoyed getting Reid’s perspective. I actually wished for more insight from the support characters/friends because they were strong and lovable characters. 

This could have been a great read for me because I related strongly to the characters, but I just couldn’t get behind Millie’s choices… unfortunately, those choices drive the entire plot. 

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