Twice in a Blue Moon

3/5 Stars

Tate Butler has been living under the radar for most of her life. As the long lost daughter of a Hollywood star, her mom and grandmother figured Tate would live a happier life outside of the public eye and unaware of her father’s scandalous Hollywood life. Her safe life all comes crashing down when she tells her deepest secret to a boy she met on a London vacation. Sam was Tate’s first love and she was sure he was trustworthy. Instead, her vacation came to an abrupt end when the paparazzi found her and Sam vanished. 14 years later, Tate is embracing her Hollywood life when Sam reappears. Now, she must decide if she will forgive him or if her life was better off without him.

This was a cute romance, but it was lacking some of the humor I enjoyed in Christina Lauren’s (actually two authors) other books. I actually found the most enjoyable moments to be when Tate and Sam were in London. I could feel the budding romance between two young people who were still figuring out life. 

In the present, Tate is now starring in movie with her estranged father and must deal with both him and Sam on set. I felt like the story lost some of its magic here. There was definitely less romance than I had hoped for and much more passive aggressiveness. The resolution came too quickly for me. Everything seemed to wrap up with one conversation that resolved one misunderstanding. While the entire book developed the animosity Tate felt towards the two men in her life, the development to resolution needed more. 

Overall, this was a quick read. It brought you the magic of London as well as a movie set. It offered a more complicated glimpse at romance. Unfortunately, just not one of my favorites by Christina Lauren.

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