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5/5 stars

Lowen is a writer that could really use a big break. She is struggling financially and her books aren’t really selling. An unusual and once in a lifetime opportunity comes along that could solve all of her problems. Verity Crawford is an accomplished writer. Unfortunately, she was in an accident that has prevented her from finishing the last three books of her nine-book series. Lowen is hired to co-author the final books. While researching in Verity’s office, she comes across Verity’s autobiography manuscript that is clearly not meant for anyone to read. As she delves further into this book, she learns of horrid secrets that could just ruin someone’s life.

This was a different type of read than what I’m used to with Colleen Hoover and I was not disappointed. I was curious how she would write a psychological thriller after I had read contemporary romances/general fiction. This book had me turning the pages and I finished in two days.

Between Lowen’s creepy discoveries in the Crawford house and Verity’s autobiography mingled into the chapters, I had to keep reading to learn more about this disturbing family. I truly had no clue what to expect and when I reached the end, I was still in shock. Colleen had me questioning everything and unsure of whom to trust.

I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend. It’s totally different from Hoover’s other books, but it is still just as good. I hope she continues to write psychological thrillers because this one had my heart racing.

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