MY ADOPTION STORY Pt. 68 | My Experience with Learning Chinese

I was very hesitant to begin learning Chinese. As a Chinese, transracial adoptee, I knew that this would be something I eventually wanted to do. I’m glad that my parents gave me the choice of when to start. It has been an emotional process and not always the easiest, but I truly enjoy learning Chinese and learning a bit more about my culture. It allows me to connect with my heritage and reclaim a bit more of my identity. For an adoptees considering learning their birth language, I highly recommend it.

My videos are filmed and scheduled to publish weeks in advance. While I had the energy to discuss these topics then, I may be in a different place now. I don’t want any adoptee to feel like I am ignoring their connections. I just have to take care of myself as well.

For Lilly’s Entire Adoption Playlist:

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