Anna K.

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4/5 stars

Anna K. is a modern reimagining of Anna Karenina following elite teens of New York. I was told this was basically Gossip Girl, and I would say that is an accurate representation.

I was looking for a drama-filled, indulgent read and this delivered. I appreciated the Asian representation and that it was not constantly in your face. I could read an outrageous story and have subtle reminders that I was able to relate to some of the instances of racism and micro-aggressions. 

Knowing this was an Anna Karenina reimagining, I was expecting tragedy. The ending delivered on that. I was left a bit heartbroken and sympathetic to these tragically flawed characters. The beginning could be a bit slow as you are introduced to all of the characters and trying to figure out how you can relate to the top 1% of the world. You can’t really, and that’s what I found to be the best escape. 

This wasn’t a groundbreaking novel for me in terms of Asian representation and own voices reads, but it was a perfect escape into a pseudo Gossip Girl world that kept me invested.

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