The Mall

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for a copy of the book and chance to participate in the book tour.

This was a perfect read for summer, and it’s released today, July 21st, 2020!

Check out some early praise for it and my review below:

“Totally rad! This former 1990s mall teen loved The Mall, an ode to tall bangs, boys with good taste in music, and female friendship, set in the only place that mattered. What a joy to have a new book from Megan McCafferty, who knows exactly how to make us laugh, cry, and fall in love with her characters.” — Amy Spalding, author of The Summer of Jordi Perez and The New Guy

“Both a laugh-out-loud pean to those bygone cathedrals of the 1990s, and a zippy coming-of-age tale, THE MALL is a delightful read for any generation. So tease your hair, grab your hotdog on a stick and prepare to have a freaking blast!” — Gayle Forman, New York Times bestselling author of If I Stay and I Have Lost My Way

It’s the early 90’s and Cassie Worthy is ready for New York City. She and her boyfriend have their life plans down and are ready to take college by storm. The summer before college, life happens and Cassie is suddenly forced to make some adjustments. Before she can finally start college, she must endure one last summer in her small town and working at a mall with people she hopes to never see again.

I enjoyed this book. Heading into summer, this was a perfect YA fiction to read. While I am not a young adult myself, I still found the story to be intriguing and fun. There was a bit of mystery and drama in this coming-of-age book. I related to Cassie and her need to get out of her small town. I enjoyed her development throughout the short timeline. I did think the book was a bit rushed. There were parts that felt underdeveloped, but I was still able to be immersed in Cassie’s last summer before college.

Overall, it was a good YA about discovering who you are, but it was missing something that really got me connected to the book. I was hoping for a bit more depth when it came to self-discovery, but the mall mystery on summer vacation was entertaining enough to keep me reading.

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