Home Before Dark

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Maggie Holt has been living in the shadow of her father’s book for almost her entire life. After her family fled Baneberry Hall just three weeks after moving in, her father wrote a book about the horrors they experienced. Now as an adult, Maggie is determined to figure out how much of the story was true. She was too young to remember the events of her father’s book, but when she returns to Baneberry Hall, she begins to realize that perhaps it wasn’t all a lie. 

I am a big fan of Riley Sager’s books and this was no exception. I didn’t find the story to be scary, but the paranormal elements added suspense and intrigue that kept me turning the pages. I enjoyed Maggie’s journey through her past and present as she tried to figure out what really happened at Baneberry Hall. I didn’t predict the ending, which is always a welcome twist. Overall, this was a solid book by Sager. My favorite of his remains to be Lock Every Door, but this is a close second.

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