Last Tang Standing

4/5 stars

Andrea Tang is 33 and seems to have it all. She is a successful lawyer and living the life in Singapore. However, her overbearing family has certain expectations she hasn’t met yet. The first being, her relationship status. In a diary-style story, we get to follow Andrea along as she fights her way to make partner at work and balance potential romances all while keeping her family happy. 

This was pretty good. The plot could be a bit slow at times which had me reading slower than usual. Despite this, I found Andrea to be funny and relatable. While it didn’t always feel like a lot was happening, Andrea’s commentary made the book enjoyable and entertaining. 

While reading, I thought this was a a great combination of Crazy Rich Asians (it even had a similar style of footnotes) and Bridget Jones’s Diary. It had me chuckling the entire time and rooting for Andrea. She doesn’t always make the best decisions and sometimes lets her overthinking get her into trouble, but that was part of the fun. 

Overall this was a good contemporary romance that offered representation I don’t always find in the genre. I really enjoyed it and hope there is a sequel!

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