The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

5/5 stars

Aiden Bishop spends 8 days in 8 different hosts as he tries to solve the murder of Evelyn Hardcastle. You don’t really know why anyone (included Aiden) is there, but it’s clear they all have some purpose.

That was a wild and confusing ride. I was saving this book for when I could devote my proper attention, and I’m glad I did. It requires some brainwork on your part as you try to map out who is who and where you are in the timeline. There are a lot of different characters and each have different relationships with each other. As you move through the days, you catch glimpses of how even the smallest actions can result in major changes.

There were so many twists that I didn’t see coming. It was a long book and at times I wanted it to move faster (rather, I wanted Aiden to move through his hosts faster so I could figure out what was going on). With each host, you gain a little more information. The catch is you never know who to trust.

You will be confused, but keep reading and things will slowly start to fall into place. This was an innovative and suspenseful mystery that kept me guessing the entire time. The big reveal of Blackheath was a shock to me and provided a twist I am still wrapping my head around. 

This was unlike any mystery I have ever read, but it is definitely one of my favorites. 

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