My First ThredUp Experience

Let me start by saying, I am not affiliated with ThredUp at all. I am moving once again and decided it’s time to clear out the closet. I’ve heard a lot of different things about ThredUp and figured I’d give it a shot. The first kit they send you is free (it is usually around $10, I am assuming to cover the cost of shipping). I was going to donate the clothes anyways, so I have nothing to lose. The clothes must be in excellent condition. Bonus points if the clothes are in season and still have tags on them. ThredUp only sells really high quality clothes and accepts many brands.

My first concern was some of my clothes would be too worn. If they don’t accept the clothing, they can recycle it for free or you can pay another $10 to have them send it back. I filled my bag with clothes and two pairs of shoes and sealed it up. Shipping was as easy as dropping it off. Then, I waited. It took about five days for ThredUp to receive my kit. I was able to log onto my account and view a complete history of the kits I have sent in.

When I checked the status of the kit I sent in, it said “Received” and gave a date for when it would be processed by. Luckily, I was not in a rush to have my kit processed. The date was for roughly 4 weeks after the received date. So, my first bit of advice. If you are using ThredUp to make some quick cash, you’ll be waiting a while.

It’s now March 24th and my bag has been processed. They accepted 21 items (70% of my bag). I was really surprised because the average percentage accepted is around 40%. They have imaged my items and written detailed descriptions. I have 12 hours to adjust the listing price, but honestly, it all looks okay to me. They will then list the items and they will add money to my ThredUp account as people buy my items. I can cash out my money when it’s in my account.

Overall, I’d say this was a great experience. I was able to clean out a lot of clothes and shoes. I was going to donate or throw away most of it, so it is nice that I may actually make some money out of it. Like I said before, if you are trying to make quick cash then I wouldn’t recommend this. Even before the COVID-19 crisis began slowing everything down, this would have taken up to a month to be processed (and that’s before selling). If you want quick cash, I’d suggest trying PoshMark, but that definitely requires a lot more work.

I don’t think ThredUp is something I’ll do often, mostly because I don’t have enough to get rid of, but I will definitely be considering them again when I need to clean out the closet!

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One Comment

  1. bills50

    That’s my frugal girl!

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10


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