First Time Sitting at a Coffee Shop Since March

Yesterday was my first time sitting at a coffee shop since March. It was the Fourth of July and also extremely hot out which is why I think no one was out.

We went to pick up coffee from our favorite coffeeshop. We are friends with the barista’s because the shop is across the street from where the restaurant my partner is a server. It’s nice being able to continue supporting them and we know how strict they are about safety precautions. Their entire patio and the patios of the restaurants next door were totally empty, so I figured it was safe enough to sit outside.

Posing with my iced coffee because going out is a special occasion 🙂 Image Credit: LFSMusings

We kept our masks on when we weren’t drinking coffee and only stayed for twenty minutes. It was far too hot to sit outside and I was sweating within five minutes, despite being in the shade. Even still, the change of scenery was much appreciated, and I was able to write 400 words for Camp NaNoWriMo.

I’m still not comfortable dining at any restaurants because it is still so hard to maintain social distancing and you are required to have your mask off for an extended period of time (I am not a fast eater). I wish I came across an empty patio more often, but it looks like I’ll just have to wait for when it’s too hot for everyone else to be outside. We went to pick up coffee again and there were two other parties on the patio 🙁

For now, I will keep enjoying picking up my coffee and going for a short stroll outside. I’ll have to keep my writing/reading at coffeeshops as a rare treat when it feels safe to sit.

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