Camp NaNoWriMo July 2020 Check-In

How is your writing going? I am still in Camp NanoWriMo, but I’m definitely feeling the pressure. Writing every day isn’t hard, but hitting the word count goal is.

I took two days off to deal with personal stuff, and now I’m playing catch up. I have to write about 1100 words a day for the rest of the month to finish on time. To be determined if I make it.

My writing process is usually some brainstorming, editing, and writing at least every other day. During Camp, I am focusing on the writing part every day, and it’s hard.

I can tell my story is growing because I have so many ideas of how I want to restructure it and redraft it already. I am trying to stay patient and hold off on that process until I have a completed draft since I am so close to the end.

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I’ve started doing short sprints of drafting in my notebook because I’ve found that it helps my mind work a little better when I’m stuck. Maybe it’s the change of routine or the fact that I physically put words on paper at a slower rate than typing, but my brain warms up and soon I am back at my computer typing as fast as I can.

I still hope to write my 30k words by the end of the month (I am almost to 20k), but I am becoming more okay with not reaching it right on time. The important part for me is having words on a page that I can edit and redraft later.

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