Rock Paper Scissors

4/5 stars

Adam Wright was born with a neurological condition that prevents him from recognizing faces. While he can use other cues to figure out who people are, he can’t tell his family, friends, or even himself apart. When he and his wife, Amelia, win a weekend away at a secluded getaway, it seems like the perfect thing to restart their marriage. When they arrive, they realize they weren’t chosen randomly for this weekend and the reason why might be more disturbing than they imagined. 

Alice Feeney has written a great thriller. I devoured Rock Paper Scissors and reading late at night left me scared and wanting more. The book was divided between Adam’s and Amelia’s perspectives and wedding anniversary notes written to Adam. Feeney set the perfect eerie atmosphere and kept me guessing what would happen. 

I didn’t predict the twist and was satisfied when I finally reached it. After, the pace slowed a bit and the book began to lose its thrill. It was still a good mystery and I wanted to know what would happen next, but instead of a final shocking twist, there was a slower resolution that wrapped things up neatly. Adam’s condition was a unique addition that made the story what it was. Without it, none of this would have worked. It could be somewhat inconsistent when he could and couldn’t recognize people, but overall it wasn’t a distracting detail. 

I really enjoyed this thriller and am reminded of what a strong writer Feeney is. I’ll definitely be reading more of hers in the future.

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