The Female Persuasion

3/5 stars

Greer has the chance of a lifetime when she meets Faith Frank in the bathroom at her college. After some time, she ends up working for Faith who teaches her the ways of feminism and what it means to be a woman in modern society.

Honestly, I was expecting a lot more from this book. It did discuss the challenges of being a woman and fighting for women’s rights. It somewhat addressed that many times, these moments of empowerment continue to marginalize women of color. Overall, I was hoping for a book that was more revolutionary or emotional. It was fairly objective and didn’t make me feel much at all despite being a woman with these challenges.

I consider it more of a character-driven book. The plot moves along but the timeline bounces around a bit as we learn more about each character in their respective chapters. This was okay for the first half of the book or so, but once I realized not much else would be happening, I began to lose interest. The ending felt rushed and underdeveloped. I thought I had missed some key points between Greer and her parents. I felt like there was a 180 in their relationship that never got explained.

I wanted to really enjoy this book because it does bring up important conversations, but ultimately it didn’t resonate much with me.

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