New Books!

Yesterday was another amazing day. The cold front has brought “cooler” temperatures. So, instead of sitting outside in shorts and a tank top and immediately sweating. I can sit outside for an hour or two and only sweat a little 😉

It’s finally Friday again. The days are going by faster, which I take as a good sign. When I am lowest, it feels like time drags on. I am not dreading getting up every day. I think the weather definitely helps. It is nearing August, which means only a little bit longer until fall and cooler weather.

What else is new? Well, in case you haven’t checked it out… I have an LFSMusings instagram (@ LFSMusings). At first, I was using it to share new posts. It has suddenly turned into a Bookstagram! I figured it was a good way to track what I’ve read and share books I really enjoyed. I don’t think I have enough time to write up full reviews (at least not until the summer is over), but there is a brand new section called Books I’ve Read. I am posting pictures and mini reviews of everything I’ve read. I have over 100 books in my ebook library and several more hard copies, so there will definitely be a lot of new content coming your way.

Today was filled with more work and reading and writing. I’m switching up my usual Friday plans and headed to a different restaurant! I enjoy doing some fun work at coffeeshops after actual work. Afterwards, I typically visit the same restaurant every week. Not today!

I’m not sure what else today holds. Probably more Stranger Things and maybe starting the newest season of Queer Eye. Other than that, it was a pretty relaxing day. I’m excited for a relaxing weekend and to catch up on sleep!

Until next time…

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