A Lovely Saturday

Yesterday, I took a break from writing my novel and just read. Well… I wrote some book reviews, so I didn’t take a total break from writing.

Today was very relaxed and much welcomed. See that book in the picture? The Other Mrs. Miller. I finished it! Have you checked out my review yet? If not, it’s in the Books I’ve Read tab. I’ve started my next read, The Silent Patient. I’m racing through it, so don’t be surprised if in tomorrow’s update I’ve finished that one too. The bookstagram is in full swing, but I’m finding it so hard to gain any sort of following. There are so many of us out there. Nevertheless, I love to read, and I love to write. So I’m going to keep on reading, reviewing, and posting.

On my quest for books I haven’t been writing as much. I think it’s been three days since I last added to my novel? I am going to try and set aside some time for that today or tomorrow.

I slept in today. I was up late-ish finishing the book, but still managed to wake up on my own before nine. Is this was being an adult is like? I dozed for a bit after that and then finished Chinese homework (thank goodness). Since then? Reading. Took some photos for the bookstagram. Made plans to get to a coffeeshop later this evening. Bless 24-hour coffeeshops.

I am finally seeing The Lion King tomorrow. I am very excited. I haven’t always been the biggest fan of the live action remakes, but Beyonce?? How can you not get excited about Beyonce? I will definitely be updating how it is. I’ll likely be jamming out to the soundtrack all week, also. I hope you are having a lovely Saturday.

Until next time…

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