It Was a Magical Night

So yesterday, I got to go to the outdoor Harry Potter screening. There were food trucks, activities, and live music. It was a super cool event and despite the amount of people, we didn’t feel totally cramped.

Today is a slow-ish day. I have my tasks to do at work, and I’m just scrolling through thousands of articles trying to figure out what I want to present at meeting. Editing my writing and working on presentations. I can’t wait for this writing period to be over. I’m tired of sitting at my desk all day while my lab mates run experiments.

I’m proud of myself because even though I have had to change around my Chinese class schedule, I still review daily (and I finished my homework early). August is going to be another hectic month, but things should even out afterwards. Who said summer was for relaxing?

I don’t really watch TV anymore. Well, I never really did. I would have Netflix on as background noise mostly. I would actually watch about 2 shows a week, but the seasons have ended. I’ve been furiously reading. If you follow my blog, then you get the emails for my book reviews. Be sure to check out the bookstagram too (@lfsmusings)!

I will be writing up a review of Shari Lapena’s Someone We Know tonight so stay tuned for that. I’m also halfway done with Where’d You Go, Bernadette? At the rate I’m going, I’ll probably be done tonight or tomorrow 🙂

Tomorrow is finally Friday, but I have a lot of work planned so really, there won’t be any relaxing weekends for me until September 🙁

Until next time…

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