An Overrated Book?

It is finally the weekend, and boy am I happy! I didn’t sleep in as late as I would have liked, although by the way I felt this morning, I could’ve slept until late afternoon! I went to be relatively early last night (as opposed to my 2-3AM insomnia nights), so maybe it was the exhaustion catching up on me. That and allergies. I’m sneezing all over the place!

What about today? It’s a lovely day in a cafe type of day (see above picture). They have the most delicious grilled cheese. I am pretty sure there are four types of cheese and some sort of apple sauce that gives the sandwich a perfect flavor. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

It’s a day of studying and also fun stuff. I try to get the work done first so then I can enjoy the rest of the day without much anxiety. I’ve been reading City of Girls. You all know I am a very fast reader, so the length of the book isn’t daunting to me. But, I am really struggling to get through it! It’s beautifully written. There’s no doubt about that. I’m just not one for historical fiction.Everyone has been talking about this book. My guess is they all were drawn to the cover (which is gorgeous!), but it’s just so slow for me. My goal is to either finish or almost finish that today. I kind of want to get it over with, so I can move on to my next book :/ I’m sure a review will be coming soon.

I am almost done with my stack of books, and it doesn’t look like my first Book of the Month box will be here before I run out of reading material, so it’s back to the independent bookstore to pick up a book or two. Hopefully I will get some books not found in the big chain stores. And paperback… saving money is always nice 🙂

I hope you are resting on this Saturday and not doing too much work!

Until next time…

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