Studying Saturday

Did I ever update that my book box came? I think I did. My days have been getting jumbled. It’s a lovely Saturday except for the fact that the high is 104 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m definitely staying inside.

I am studying at one of my favorite cafes (the one with the delicious grilled cheese). I’m always surprised how I can be really productive here. Maybe it’s the atmosphere and music. I am allowing myself reading breaks every so often. I’ve found that method really works for me. Marathon study sessions are just not productive, and I get so tired so fast.

I haven’t worked on my novel in a long time. I’ve added some sentences here and there, but for the most part it’s been sitting on my desktop untouched. Once August is over, I definitely want to get back to that. I am still around 25,000 words written, and I can really start to feel the story coming together. And of course, once I get a draft done, it’s time to edit!

I am taking a friend to see The Farewell today. If you don’t remember, it is a film starring Awkwafina and follows a Chinese-American family returning to China to say goodbye to the family matriarch. The only thing is, the matriarch has no clue she is sick and dying. It’s funny, heart-warming, a little sad at times, but so, so good. Plus, I get some Mandarin practice.

I hope you are enjoying my book reviews! I am trying to slow down reading so I can keep up with posts and also so my bank account doesn’t hate me forever.

Until next time…

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