Just another week

I walked out this morning and instead of being hit with the normal wall of hot, humid air, I felt a temperate breeze. Hopeful, I pulled open my weather app to see what the high was for today. Don’t fret. I was immediately crushed. Today, the high is 103 Fahrenheit and it “feels like” 108.

Got a lot done at work, and I’m feeling very productive. Cutting myself off from work (even if I bring it home) at certain times has helped. It’s all part of me realizing that rest is not a reward… it’s necessary! I will admit, sometimes it feel selfish. Sometimes I rest because I have zero motivation to do anything else. But I guess that’s the time when you really need it… instead of pushing through and producing low quality work, I just re-energize and give 100% again.

I’ve been looking into that a lot. Rest versus re-energizing. I am seeing the difference. Sleep will give you rest, but it may not re-energize you and make you excited for the next day. I know I like to read and write. I spend time on that daily and I feel really good for everything else. Sleep never re-energizes me. It just lets me survive.

I received my first e-book to review. I’m pretty excited. It’s a compilation of short stories and something I never would have chosen for myself. Stay tuned for a review on that!

Until next time…

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