October 2020 Writing Update

It’s almost NaNoWriMo 2020, and I still am on the fence. I don’t think I will be officially participating because there is too much going on in my life to make writing 50,000 words in 30 days feasible. November is also National Adoption Awareness Month, so I’ll be busy with advocacy and focusing on making adoptee voices heard.  I have the novel mostly outlined, but I have been focusing on my YA fiction instead of planning for NaNoWriMo. 

The writing has still been slow. I’ve been getting home from work and dealing with all of the computer/administrative aspects of my job, which means by the time that’s done I no longer want to be staring at a screen. I’m okay with that thought. My goal was never to write and publish as fast as possible. I’m not even sure anyone will read this before I leave graduate school. 

What matters to me is that I am still writing, and I am making (slow) progress. That means eventually, there will be another piece of representation for transracial adoptees out on the shelves. At times, I get impatient and wish I was  much closer to finishing than I am, but I would rather put out quality work with proper edits than something else… 

For now, I will keep writing and giving you short updates. I love the ways I have changed and re-focused this novel. We will see how it changes next! 

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